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Kurum Bilgileri: Fen Fakültesi, Fizik, Nükleer Fizik
WoS Araştırma Alanları: Fizik Uygulamalı, Fizik, Fizik Nükleer, Fizik Parçacıklar Ve Alanlar, Nükleer Bilimi Ve Teknolojisi
Avesis Araştırma Alanları: Fizik,Yüksek Enerji Fiziği, Fizik, Nötrino Fiziği, Fizik, Disiplinlerarası Fizik ve İlgili Bilim ve Teknoloji Alanları, Nükleer Fizik, Nükleer mühendislik ve nükleer enerji çalışmaları, Parçacık fiziği ve nükleer fizikte deneysel yöntemler ve enstrümantasyon, Temel Parçacıklar ve Alanlar, Genel alan ve parçacık teorisi, Özel parçacıkların özellikleri, Özel reaksiyonlar ve fenomonoloji, Özel teoriler ve etkileşme modelleri, parçacık sistematiği, Temel Bilimler

Yayınlardaki İsimler: Emrah Tıraş, E. Tiras, Tiras E., Emrah Tiras




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Açık Erişim

BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları


I am an Asst. Prof. in the Physics Department at Erciyes University, and working on the neutrino experiments, ANNIE and NOvA at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). I am also holding an affiliated scientist position at the University of Iowa and affiliated with the CMS experiment on the LHC at CERN.

From January 2017 to October 2020, I worked on the neutrino experiments, ANNIE and NOvA at Fermilab as a postdoctoral research associate for Iowa State University. I worked as a Run Coordinator and Phase II Upgrade & Installation Manager for ANNIE and did neutron simulation studies and physics analysis for NOvA.

I completed my M.Sc. degree in August 2012 and Ph.D. in December 2016 at the University of Iowa on the CMS experiment on the LHC at CERN.

Ongoing Research: 

I have been doing neutron simulation studies and physics analysis for ANNIE and NOvA since January 2017. I am also working on detector R&D studies for the CMS experiment at CERN and other high-energy-particle detectors around the world. Our main focus is running an R&D program for particle detectors and calorimeters and investigating cheap, radiation-hard, and fast-timing scintillators. 

My research interests are neutrino physics, particle physics, experimental nuclear physics, Monte Carlo simulations, detector R&D, calorimetric studies, data acquisition systems, and electronic instrumentation. My detector research efforts are aimed at developing novel particle detectors for neutrino experiments, collider experiments, and other projects where precise particle detectors are required. 

My primary physics research interest is neutron studies and understanding their production and detection in neutrino experiments. I am also interested in Charged Current Quasi-Elastic (CCQE) neutrino interactions and better-understanding multi-nucleon physics processes such as 2p-2h. 


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+90 352 207 6666 Dahili: 33110 (Fen Fak) ve 12515 (ArGe Park)
Posta Adresi
Fen Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, No: B1-2K-02