Physicochemical, sensory, and bioactive properties of some traditional Turkish sorbets

EKİCİ L., Kafadar A. D., ALBAYRAK S.

JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, cilt.42, sa.9, 2018 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In the present study, some properties of the sorbets of rose, unripe grape, evil eye, linaria, engagement, and sirkecunbin were examined. Some physicochemical, bioactive, and sensory properties and the color parameters of the sorbets in their natural brix were determined. Additionally, the phenolic profiles of the sorbets were identified with LC-MS/MS method. The highest amount of total phenolic substance (649.39 mg GAE/L) and antiradical activity (93.92%) were found in the unripe grape sorbet. The highest antioxidant activity was determined in engagement sorbet (31.19 mg AAE/L). It had been observed that the sorbets had no anthocyanin except rose and engagement sorbets. The major component in the rose, evil eye, linaria, and sirkecunbin sorbets was determined as quinic acid, while the main compound was malic acid in the unripe grape and engagement sorbets.