Duyurular & Dokümanlar

Powerful Voices for Kids Year One Stewardship Report

The Powerful Voices for Kids (PVK) program is a university-school partnership program designed to increase the motivation, engagement, and literacy achievement of children in Grades K-8 by developing digital and media literacy competencies. PVK is the result of a unique partnership between the Russel Byers Charter School and Media Education Lab under the leadership of their respective Founders, Laurada Byers and Dr. Renee Hobbs. We measured teacher learning through a pre-test post-test questionnaire using a mix of both qualitative and quantitative questions. We asked teachers to self-assess their competence in key learning outcomes, reporting their responses on a 10-point scale. Teachers demonstrated significant gains in key learning outcomes. http://powerfulvoicesforkids.com/research http://powerfulvoicesforkids.com/research/powerful-voices-kids-year-1-report-0