The design of silver active dry with pin electrodes for EEG measurements EEG Ölçömleri İçin Gömöş Aktif Kuru Tip Pinli Elektrot Tasarimi

Karacaoglan E., TOKMAKÇI M.

2017 Medical Technologies National Conference, TIPTEKNO 2017, Trabzon, Turkey, 12 - 14 October 2017, pp.1-4 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • Doi Number: 10.1109/tiptekno.2017.8238048
  • City: Trabzon
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-4
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


© 2017 IEEE.Since, the amplitude information of EEG signals are very small, during the detection process of EEG signals lower noise components are important for preventing of data loss. The first time of data loss is detection process of EEG signals from the patient. So any improvement over this process increases the quality of signals. Because of that electrode which is providing the connection between patient and measurement system is very significant. The type of electrode that is used in literature and clinics is generally wet Ag-AgCl. The high impedance between the skin and the electrode causes data loss and too much noise in EEG signals that received from hairy site. In terms of signal quality and patient comfort, it is necessary to design an alternative electrode system. For this purpose, the 'silver (Ag) active with pin electrode system' was designed and compared with the reference wet silver-silver chloride electrodes.