Locking of Tunneled Cuffed Hemodialysis Catheters with a Mixture of 45% Ethanol and 4% Trisodium Citrate is Effective in Preventing Catheter-Related Infections and Thrombosis

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Arikan T., OYMAK O., YILMAZ E., ÜNAL A., Oguzhan N., KOÇYİĞİT I., ...More

TURKISH NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS AND TRANSPLANTATION JOURNAL, vol.25, no.2, pp.168-174, 2016 (ESCI) identifier identifier


OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of a mixture consisting of 45% ethanol and 4% trisodium citrate (E-TSC) on the development of catheter-related infection (CRI) and catheter thrombosis in hemodialysis patients.