Tabaru T. E.

3rd INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS, İstanbul, Turkey, 8 - 10 January 2021, pp.55-57

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.55-57
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


With the developing technology in recent years, wireless mobile devices that can perform
multiple tasks at the same time are desired by users. But wireless devices; The problem of power
consumption, dimensions, frequency spectrum constraint, and desire for high performance have
encouraged researchers to develop new technologies. Ultra-Wideband communication
technology can be considered as a short-range wireless mobile communication system with low
power consumption and high data rate. Due to the broadband requirements in the field of
communication, broadband antennas have become popular today. Ultra-Wideband increases
the need for broadband antennas with reduced dimensions in both military and commercial
applications. In this context, microstrip antennas come to the fore with their many remarkable
features such as their simple structure, small dimensions, applicability to smooth and inclined
surfaces, and being durable when applied to hard surfaces.
Within the scope of this study, a microstrip patch antenna with a Y-shaped structure operating
between 3.78 GHz and 13.56 GHz was designed for ultra-broadband applications. CST
Microwave Studio program was used in designs. The antenna is designed on the RT Droid 5880
base material with 1.57 mm thickness, 2.2 epsilon value, and 0.0009 tangent loss. An annealed
copper conductor with a thickness of 0.02 mm is used for the antenna part and the ground plane.
The antenna has a very small and compact structure with dimensions of 20 mm × 21 mm × 1.57
mm. In the simulations, the bandwidth, S
11, and radiation pattern were examined and it was
evaluated that it could be used in wireless body area network applications due to the small size
of the antenna.