The aim of this study was to compare the nutritive values of hays of local sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) populations these grown in Sivas, Kayseri and Kahramanmaras provinces of Turkey. For this purpose, 12 different sainfoin populations harvested from these provinces. Sainfoins harvested at flowering stage and dried then chemical compositions, in vitro gas and methane productions, metabolic energy and digestible organic matter contents were determined. There were significant (P <= 0.01) differences between chemical compositions of local sainfoin populations. Crude protein contents varied between 12.73 and 15.90%, crude ash contents varied between 5.95 and 7.63%, dry matter contents between 19.41 and 22.39%, condensed tanin ratios between 2.07 and 4.70%, ADF and NDF contents changed between respectively 32.01-41.79% and 42.57-53.89% and crude fat contents varied between 0.69 and 2.02%. 24 h in vitro gas and methane productions varied between respectively 39.49-52.40 ml and 7.70-10.30 ml. Metabolic energy contents of studied materials changed between 8.31 and 10.19 MJ/kg DM and digestible organic matter contents varied between 60.05 and 72.59%. According to current findings, there were considerable differences between nutrient contents of studied sainfoin populations and it was concluded that the population which harvested from Kayseri Bunyan come into prominence with higher protein and metabolisable energy and lesser ADF and NDF content than the others.