FDI World Dental Congress 2024, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 15 September 2024, vol.74, no.206539, pp.39
AIM or PURPOSE: This study aimed to analyze the effect of
background color and tooth shade on visual shade matching.
MATERIALS and METHOD: The Erciyes University Clinical
Research Ethics Committee approved the procedures of this
study (Approval number: 2023/823). Twenty prosthodontists
performed visual shade matching on four different back-
grounds (green, grey, white, black) using the Vita Classical
shade guide. Two identical shade guides were used for shade
matching. One of them was blinded so that the color codes on
it could not be identified. Each observer matched all 16 shade
tabs using the second shade guide on four different back-
grounds. The effects of background and tooth shade factors
on shade matching were analyzed with the Chi-square test. A
two-proportion z-test with Bonferroni correction was applied
to pairwise comparisons. P<0.05 was considered statistically
RESULTS: The background significantly affected shade
matching (p=0.006). The correct match percentages were
found to be 79.7%, 74.7%, 69.7%, and 68.8% on gray, black,
green, and white backgrounds, respectively. Significantly
more accurate matching was achieved on the gray back-
ground compared to the green and white backgrounds. The
tooth shade also significantly affected shade matching
(p<0.001). The correct match percentages for tooth shade
were as follows: A1(75%), A2(55%), A3(63.8%), A3.5(81.3%), A4
(81.3%), B1(96, 3), B2(75%), B3(78.8%), B4(71.3%), C1(63.8%), C2
(70%), C3(58.8%), C4(% 86.3), D2(96.3%), D3(45%), D4(73.8%).
CONCLUSION(S): Background color and tooth shade signifi-
cantly affected tooth shade matching.