Some energy transitions in Ti and its yields after photonuclear reaction

Akkoyun S., Koçak G.

TESNAT 2019, 5th International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology, Amasya, Turkey, 2 - 04 May 2019, pp.13-15

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Amasya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.13-15
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


In order to observe energy transition between nuclear levels, the nucleus under investigation have been excited to higher levels. One of the basic way to perform this task is the absorption of a gamma-ray photon by nucleus. Then the accompanying ejection of protons, neutrons or light particles from the nucleus is called photonuclear reaction. For the activation of the target nucleus, bremsstrahlung photons might be used which are also generated from a medical linear accelerator. Due to particle separation energy limitation, for low photon energy (~15 MeV), the reaction exit channels are limited to ejection of 1-2 particles. Thus the gamma spectrum is relatively clear and the use of ancillary detectors to HPGe is not highly needed. In this study the breemstrahlung photons have been used for the activation of titanium target. The yields of reaction on stable Ti isotopes have been measured The results are consistent with the literature values.