Applications of Acoustıc Emission Technique in The Mechanical Characterization of Materials

Mutlu A. H., Nair F.

8th INTERNATIONAL ASIAN CONGRESS ON CONTEMPORARY SCIENCES , Aksaray, Turkey, 5 - 07 May 2023, pp.33-34

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Aksaray
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.33-34
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Nowadays, rapidly increasing technological developments make the determination of material properties very important and necessary. Determining the behavior of materials under various mechanical loadings provides important key to researchers to develop desired material properties. Acoustic emission technique is a non-destructive material inspection method used in engineering fields. This technique is based on the detection of temporary elastic waves propagating through the material. Materials subjected to different loads will eventually suffer damage and cause elastic signals to propagate.

Acoustic measurement parameters can be interpreted by detecting these emitted waves by the sensor and converting them into signals. In this method, which can be used in the mechanical characterization of materials, we can have information about the desired properties of the materials. Since mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness, fracture resistance, fatigue strength and thermal resistance will differ in engineering materials, materials produce signals with different acoustic characteristics under load. With the interpretation of these generated signal characters, it is possible to detect damage modes, determine material properties, and determine the useful life of materials. Owing to this technique, when the damage occurred, its location, type, speed and size can be determined. In this respect, this method is of great importance. In this paper, the basic principles of acoustic emission technique, how it is applied to which materials and loading conditions, and how the obtained signals are associated with material behavior are evaluated.