Foundations in Turkish positive law refers to “fused, annexed, community and tradesmen foundations and new foundations” in ac-cordance with Article 3 of the Foundations Law No. 5737. According to this provision, “new foundations” are those established in accordance with the provisions of the repealed Turkish Civil Code No. 743 and the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721; “old foundations” are fused, annexed, community and tradesmen foundations that were established before 4 October 1926, when the Civil Code No. 743 came into force. Old foundations (“waqfs”) are private law legal entities inherited from the Ottoman legal system and recognized by today’s civil law system, pursuant to the Law on Foundations No. 2762, which was enacted as a special Implementing Law pursuant to Article 8 of Law No. 864, and the Law on Foundations No. 5737, which was subsequently enacted to apply to both old and new foundations. As per Foundations Law no 5737; foundations that were established before the date of entry into force of the repealed Turkish Civil Code No. 743 and must be managed by the descendants of the founder are called “Annexed (Mulhak) Foundations”. In these foundations, the purpose may be familial (“waqf ahli”), charitable (“waqf hairi”) or semi-familial (mixed). The majority of annexed foundations that continue to exist today are of a semi-family (mixed) nature and are aimed at distributing the surplus income (“galle”) remaining after the charitable conditions specified in the foundation deed (“waqfiyya”) are fulfilled to the children of the founder. As of the current data of the General Directorate of Foundations, there are 248 annexed foundations in Turkey. Today, although it is not possible to establish new annexed foundations and to grant legal personality to such foundations, family foundations can be established within the framework of the regulations in the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, as well as mixed foundations where family and charitable purposes are combined. Annexed foundations are managed and represented by persons who are descendants of the founder and who are determined by court decision to have the right to manage the foundation in accordance with their waqfiyya and current legislation. These persons are appointed to this position called “trusteeship/tevliyet” by the Foundations Council affiliated with the General Directorate. In the waqfiyyas of annexed foundations, the management body is generally determined as an individual body and consists of a single manager called “mutawalli” (waqf manager/trustee) in the classical sense. As a rule, this manager can make all kinds of dispositions regarding the foundation within the framework of mandatory provisions and conditions in the waqfiyya. The duty of foundation management is a duty based entirely on trust and where the public interest prevails. For this reason, legal liability arises for managers of annexed foundations who fail to fulfill this duty properly or at all, or who use their powers to the detriment of the foundation. The manager of the annexed foundation is obligated to adhere to the foundation’s purpose, as well as to current legislation. In this context, managers must comply with the responsibilities set out in Article 10 of the current Law No. 5737 on Foundations, as well as the responsibilities set out in Article 27 of the Regulation on Foundations. The managerial duty of the annexed foundation manager may be terminated for various reasons. The main reasons that ended the foun-dation management; dismissal, death, resignation and conviction for one of the crimes in Article 9 of the Foundations Law. The most well-known and most important of these is the dismissal of the foundation manager. Managers of annexed foundations who fail to fulfill their du-ties and responsibilities may be dismissed from their positions as a result of a lawsuit filed by the General Directorate of Foundations. Ad-ditionally, they may be held liable for damages caused to the foundation due to their faulty acts. In order for foundation managers to be dismis-sed for damages caused to the foundation, their gross negligence or intentional faults must be clearly demonstrated, while for their liability for compensation, their faults at the level of slight or moderate negli-gence are sufficient.
Mülhak vakıflar, 1926 yılında İsviçre’den iktibas edilerek kabul edilen 743 sayılı Türk Kanunu Medenisi’nin yürürlük tarihinden önce kurulmuş ve yönetimi vakfedenlerin soyundan gelenlere şart edilmiş vakıflardır. Bu vakıflar, vakfiyelerdeki şartları haiz olduğu mahkeme kararıyla tespit edilen vakıf evlatları tarafından yönetilir ve temsil edilir. Mülhak vakıf yöneticisi, klasik terminolojideki adıyla mütevelli, mülhak vakfın amacına ve yürürlükteki mevzuata uymakla yükümlü olduğu gibi 5737 sayılı Vakıflar Kanunu ve Vakıflar Yönetmeliği’nde belirlenen diğer görev ve sorumluluklarına da uygun davranmalıdır. Görev ve sorumluluklarına aykırı davranan mülhak vakıf yöneticileri, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından açılacak bir dava neticesinde görevlerinden alınabilecekleri gibi kusurlu fiilleriyle vakfa verdikleri zararları da tazminle sorumlu tutulurlar. Mahkeme kararıyla görevlerinden alınan mülhak vakıf yöneticileri, Vakıflar Meclisi üyesi olamayacakları gibi beş yıl süreyle aynı vakfın yönetim ve denetim organında da görev alamazlar. Görevden alma (azil) sebeplerinden bazıları ise bu sebeplerle görevlerinden alınan mülhak vakıf yöneticisinin başka bir vakfın yöneticisi ise o görevin-den de alınmış sayılmasına ve beş yıl süreyle hiçbir vakfın yönetim ve denetim organında görev alamamasına yol açar. Yöneticisi görevden alınan mülhak vakıf, azami on seneye kadar Genel Müdürlük tarafın-dan temsilen yönetilir. Bu süreçte mülhak vakfa yeni bir yöneticinin atanamaması veya süreyle bağlı olmaksızın vakfedenin soyundan gelenlerin tükenmesi durumunda ise ilgili mülhak vakıf mahkeme kararıyla mazbut vakıflar arasına alınır ve bundan böyle Genel Müdürlükçe yönetilir ve temsil edilir.