The Importance of language and style in values education


Energy Education Science & Technology, Part B Social and Educational Studies 2012 Volume (Issue) Special Issue: 282-284, vol.5, no.1, pp.282-284, 2012 (SCI-Expanded)


Abstract Values that we hold onto have a remarkable effect on our lifestyle and our mind. While struggling to survive, people living in different geographical regions ascribed values to the people or things that they think made their lives easier or more difficult and to the supernatural forces they formed in their minds. Thus, every group, every tribe and even every individual has created their own values and still continue to create new values as the living conditions change. Values tell the individuals who make up the society what things are important and what should be preferred; in short, they determine how individuals are supposed to live [1]. Values can be considered to be personal, social and universal. Personal values are the ones that a person build based on how s/he perceives and interprets the world. They are supposed to be approved unless they cause damage to the society and environment. Social values are generated by a society through a variety of experiences throughout the history and determine the lifestyle of that society. Values are the most distinctive factors which differentiate one society from another. Universal values, on the other hand, are those on which all people in the world reach a consensus and are for the benefit of whole humanity. Therefore, it is expected that all humans feel responsibility for preserving and generalizing these values. Individuals who have to interact with each other in various ways might sometimes cause harm to each other due to conflict of values. The past is full of sad examples resulted from the conflict of values. The most remarkable factor in the conflict of values is the language and style through which values are expressed. Language is a means which people use to settle a disagreement; however, it is the most evident factor which gives rise to disagreement, as well. It is the aim of this study to underline the importance of the language and style used in values education and to contribute to the values education with the help of examples of constructive language use. Keywords: Values education; Conflict of values; Language and style