Purpose To determine the etiology and anatomic localization of uveitis, the frequency of intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation, and the type of secondary glaucoma and to assess the medical, surgical, and postoperative complications in adult and pediatric patients with acute or chronic uveitis. Methods A total of 307 eyes of 186 patients who were followed up in the Uvea-Behget Unit of the Ophthalmology Department, Erciyes University, Turkey, were included in the study. Demographic, ocular, and systemic data were recorded; ophthalmological examinations were performed; and recurrences and complications of uveitis were identified. The eyes with IOP over 22 mmHg, types of secondary glaucoma, their etiologies, efficiency of medical and surgical treatments, and complications were recorded. Results The mean age was 33 +/- 12 years (range: 6-65). Of the 186 patients, diagnoses were as follows: idiopathic uveitis in 84 (45.2%), Behget disease in 65 (34.9%), ankylosing spondylitis in eight (4.3%), juvenile idiopathic arthritis in five (2.7%), herpetic keratouveitis in three (1.6%), Fuchs iridocyclitis in three (1.6%), Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome in three (1.6%), tuberculosis uveitis in three (1.6%), Crohn disease in three (1.6%), ocular toxoplasmosis in two (1.1%), multiple sclerosis in two (1.1%), Lyme disease in two (1.1%), rheumatoid arthritis in two (1.1%) and tubulointerstitial nephritis in one patient (0.5%). Secondary glaucoma was detected in 67 (21.9%) of 307 eyes, which developed in 13.7% and 26.8% of the eyes with acute and chronic uveitis, respectively. Of 67 eyes, it was open-angle glaucoma in 58 (86.5%), angle-closure glaucoma in six (9.0%), and neovascular glaucoma in three (4.5%). Control of IOP was achieved by medical therapy in 53 eyes (79.1%) and by surgery in 12 eyes (17.9%), whereas evisceration was required in two eyes (3.0%). Laser iridotomy was performed in four eyes (33.4%), trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C (MMC) in six eyes (50.0%), laser iridotomy plus trabeculectomy with MMC in one eye (8.3%), and express mini shunt implantation in one eye (8.3%). After surgery, IOP was controlled without anti-glaucomatous agents in six eyes (50%) and with anti-glaucomatous agents in the remaining six eyes (50.0%). Conclusion Secondary glaucoma is one of the most important complications of uveitis and may result in severe visual impairment. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can prevent these potential complications.