Determination of the potential of some weeds to be used as an indicator plant in studies on Plum pox virus-T

TEMUR ÇINAR C., Dertli E., Kaya Y., IŞIK D.

KSU TARIM VE DOGA DERGISI-KSU JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURE, vol.27, pp.1087-1094, 2024 (ESCI) identifier identifier


Sharka is the most destructive viral disease of Prunus species caused by the plum pox virus (PPV). A unique strain of PPV has been identified from Turkey and named as PPV-Turkey (PPV-T). Being obligate parasitic organisms, viruses cannot be cultured in artificial nutrient media. Weeds play a significant role in virus ecology and epidemiology as they serve as alternative hosts for plant viruses and food for virus vectors. This study investigated the indicator potential of some weeds (such as Chenopodium album and Amaranthus retroflexus) for PPV-T. C. album and A. retroflexus plants were inoculated by dusting three leaves on each 3-week-old plant. A homogeneous group of 10 plants grown singly in pots was inoculated with PPV-T. Mock- and noninoculated plants were used as negative controls. Inoculated plants were monitored daily for symptom development. The PPV-T inoculated leaves were tested by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) following the appearance of symptoms. The results of the indicator test revealed that C. album (6 out of 10 plants) and A. retroflexus (10 plants) reacted with the infection. Initially, this indicator reacted with local symptoms, and later symptoms of systemic infection occurred.