Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol.7, no.2, pp.60-82, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The aim of this study is to develop a motivation scale that can be used to determine the motivation levels
of secondary school students for a science course. This study was conducted in accordance with
quantitative research survey, and accessible populations of the study consisted of fourth district secondary
school students in Melikgazi district of Kayseri province, and 386 secondary school students in the
sample. Based on “Social Cognitive Theory” in this study, the scale was developed to determine students '
motivation levels for the science. It was ensured that there were sufficient substances of all sizes on the
scale and the necessary corrections were made by checking two science education experts throughout the
process. Validity and reliability of the draft scale applied to the sample group were analyzed. Within the
scope of construct validity, EFA and CFA were performed. As a result of EFA, the KMO value of the
scale was calculated as 0.95, and it was found that the scale elements explain 59% of the total variance.
The reliability analysis was repeated over the remaining 21 questions after the substances removed during
the factor analysis and calculated as 0.93. As a result, a valiable and reliable measurement tool has been
developed that can be used by both researchers and teachers to determine the motivation levels of
secondary school students for a science lesson.