The 1st International Conference on Alternative Fuels: Future and Challenges, Kayseri, Turkey, 2 - 04 December 2016, pp.63
Poultry litter is used as an energy source because of the methane gas or biogas content. This practice also provides a partial solution to environmental pollution and energy shortage problems. From poultry animals, daily feces are obtained up to 3-4% of their live weight. On average, a poultry produces 22 kg / year feces. In Turkey, about 7 million tons of poultry feces are creating environmental problems. For the establishment of methane gas extraction units from chicken breed; high investment costs, methods and operations appear to be factors that adversely affect the widespread use of this practice in enterprises today. Chicken manure can be evaluated in fresh or processed for biogas production. Methane gas can be obtained at 27-37 °C and in airless ambient (CH4) from fresh chicken manure. After this process, also the litter gain more quality for the soil as a fertilizer. In addition to contributing to the energy saving of biogas production from litter, the removal of gases such as CH4 and H2S and the absence of a suitable environment for harmful microorganisms bring with it a partial solution to the prevention of environmental pollution. Different methods are used for collecting and processing poultry wastes. The methods to be used have their own benefits and costs. The choice of methods is influenced by climate, animal species, capacity and economy. Solid wastes are disposed of by land filling, regular storage, incineration, composting, etc. As a result, the use of poultry litter as an energy source is very important both to be an alternative source and to reduce the damage to the environment.