19th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2023, Hybrid, Marrakesh, Morocco, 19 - 23 June 2023, pp.1-6
This paper proposes a novel link quality estimation method for IEEE 802.15.4 based IoT and WSN devices. The method aims to estimate the link quality in noisy environments in a low complexity manner. The effect of signal to noise ratio on the link quality is investigated for Additive White Gaussian Noise and Rayleigh Fading models. Symbol error rates which determine the link quality are extracted from Monte Carlo simulations for a wide range of noise levels in the environment. A relationship model between chip error rate and symbol error rate is established by a curve fitting method. Considering constrained hardware of IoT and WSN devices, the model should have a reasonable time complexity. Suitability of the model is discussed, and the real-time usage is explained. In the experiments, chip error occurrences are analyzed for both noise models. By means of experimental data, a number of fitting functions are compared in the respect of their fitting performances and complexities. Eventually, an efficient and reliable method for the link quality estimation is proposed to provide a low-complexity solution for IoT and WSN devices.