Gökalp Z., Karaman S., Çakmak B.

International Conference on Sustainable Development, Skopje, Macedonia, 19 - 23 October 2016, pp.167-173

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Skopje
  • Country: Macedonia
  • Page Numbers: pp.167-173
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Current climate change and resultant global warming have exerted a great pressure over water resources. Water resources are not sufficient in some countries to meet ever-increasing domestic, agricultural and industrial demands. Such restrictions oriented countries either to use water-saving technologies or to reuse treated wastewaters. Besides conventional, high-cost advanced treatments systems, natural treatment systems are used in small communities. Constructed wetlands, so called as natural treatment systems, emulates the natural wetlands and uses the biochemical processes taking place in natural one to remove pollutants from wastewaters. They are commonly preferred in rural sections, especially for wastewater treatment in villages. Although these systems are quite new in Turkey, there are several of them constructed in various parts of the country. Since several mistakes have been made in design of these systems, majority of them either not operating at all or way behind the expected performance outcomes. Once these systems were constructed, it is quite hard to make repairs or rehabilitation to improve the performance of these systems. Therefore, design criteria should strictly be taken into consideration before to construct natural treatment systems. The present study was conducted initially to point out the design criteria for constructed wetlands and then to put forth possible mistakes made in design, operation and maintenance of these systems. Recommendations were also provided for future constructions.