Effect of Grape (Vitis ViniferaL.) Pomace on the Quality, Total Phenolic Content and Anti-Radical Activity of Bread

HAYTA M., Ozugur G., Etgu H., Seker I. T.

JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, vol.38, no.3, pp.980-986, 2014 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In this research, anti-radical activity, total phenolic content (TPC), physicochemical, textural and sensory properties of bread supplemented with 2%, 5% and 10% (w/w, flour basis) of grape pomace powder (GPP) have been investigated. Anti-radical activity (DPPH scavenging activity) of bread samples increased significantly with the increase in GPP level. TPC of bread prepared without GPP addition was 35.29mg GAE/100g, whereas 10% GPP addition resulted in the bread with a value of 89.43mg GAE/100 g. The L*, a* and b* values for the crust and crumb of the bread samples were significantly (P<0.05) altered by the addition of GPP. In sensory evaluation, breads with 2% and 5% GPP had similar acceptability values, and the differences among other sensory properties were not statistically significant (0.05). GPP addition has been found to contribute the bread to improve its functional properties. Practical Applications According to the present study, incorporation of GPP at about 5% (w/w, flour basis) in bread formulation positively contributes to the TPC and anti-radical activity, hence has the potential for commercial application. The pomace could be used in baked goods, thus allowing production of alternative products. As functional food products are a major trend of the current food industry, it is quite likely to extend the application of GPP in bakery industry.