The phase diagram of the polypropylene (PP)/poly(ethylene-block-ethylene oxide) (P(E-b-EO) blends exhibiting upper critical solution temperature(UCST) was experimentally established by using small amplitude oscillatory shear rheology, in which the binodal line was obtained by dynamic temperature ramps and the spinodal temperatures were quantitatively estimated on the basis of the theory developed by Ajji et al. The measurements were carried out in the linear viscoelastic regime in which the material functions are sensitive to phase separation.
The phase diagram of the polypropylene (PP)/poly(ethylene-block-ethylene oxide) (P(E-b-EO) blends exhibiting upper critical solution temperature (UCST) was experimentally established by using small amplitude oscillatory shear rheology, in which the binodal line was obtained by dynamic temperature ramps and the spinodal temperatures were quantitatively estimated on the basis of the theory developed by Ajji et al. The measurements were carried out in the linear viscoelastic regime in which the material functions are sensitive to phase separation.