ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, vol.25, no.18, pp.1503-1519, 1998 (SCI-Expanded)
Integral neutronic quantities have been evaluated for incident 14.1 MeV (D,T) and 2.45 MeV (D,D) fusion source neutrons in infinite medium for the most important materials in fusion technology, namely lithium, beryllium, lead and thorium. The study covers the calculation of the integral tritium breeding ratio, the U-233 breeding rate (when applicable), the neutron multiplication ratio through (n,x)- and fission-(when applicable) reactions, and the heat release in those mixtures which are composed when first thorium is mixed with natural lithium or Li-6 for a volume fraction from 0% to 100% and then the variable thorium-lithium composition is mixed with Be or Pb for a volume fraction from 0% to 100%. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.