6th International ELT Research Conference, Turkey, 1 - 04 May 2010, pp.196-201
The present study discusses a phenomenological study of early adolescents’ experiences of Poster, PowerPoint, Animoto in English language learning. The study’s aim was to explore and understand both preparation and presentation of Poster, PowerPoint and Animoto of ten university students, aged 18-25 years, by drawing attention to visual and oral elements. The data was collected through observations and semi-structured interviews and analyzed through phenomenological data analysis steps (Moustakas, 1994). The themes emerged from the data, visual learning satisfaction in using PowerPoint and Animoto, visual learning, providing structure to oral presentation, learning from peers’ presentations, draw attention to using Poster, PowerPoint and Animoto as each supports visual learning and organization of thoughts in oral presentations.
Keywords: Poster, PowerPoint, Animoto, ELL, Oral presentation, Visual Learning