Immunohistochemical Localization of Epidermal Growth Factor System in the Lung of the Japanese Quail Coturnix coturnix japonica during the Post hatching Period

Alan E., Liman N., Sağsöz H.

30th European Association of Veterinary Anatomists Congress, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 23 - 26 July 2014, vol.43, pp.20

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • Volume: 43
  • City: Cluj-Napoca
  • Country: Romania
  • Page Numbers: pp.20
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Introduction: The Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)-system

plays a major role in prenatal and postnatal lung development

and in the repair of damaged airway epithelium

and mucin production (Nadel JA. 2001: Respir. Res. 2,

85-89, Burgel et al., 2004: Thorax 59, 992-996). It

comprises four receptors, ErbB1, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4

and ligands such EGF, neuregulin and amphiregulin. The

function and localizations of EGFRs and its ligands,

however, has not yet been established in post hatch development

of lung in birds. The purpose of this study is to

determine the possible changes in the localization of the

four EGF receptors and three ligands in quail lungs from

the first day of hatching until the 125th after hatching,

using immunohistochemical methods.

Methods: Five quails each (total 30 quails), aged 1, 5, 10,

15, 30, and 125 days, were sacrified under ether anaesthesia

following fixation in alcoholic-formalin and embedding

in paraffin processing, strepavidin-biotin-peroxidase

method was used for immunohistochemical examination.

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of

Erciyes University.

Results: The nuclear and cytoplasmic immunoreactions

for EGFRs and ligands in the air capillaries, atria, parabronchi,

secondary bronchi of quail lung were relatively

similar throughout the post-hatching period. Neuregulin

and ErbB4 cytoplasmic stainings in the epithelium of

atria, parabronchi and secondary bronchi were stronger

than nuclear staining. ErbB2 immunoreactivity was strong

in the muscle cells of atria, secondary bronchi and blood

vessels; however immunoreactivities for other receptors

and ligands were weak. ErbB1 was very strong especially

in the goblet cells of epithelium of the secondary bronchi.

The macrophages in the interstitial tissue of the parabronchial

walls displayed positive immunoreaction for

Amphiregulin, Neuregulin and ErbB4.