The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of right fossa paralumbar colostomy on the survival rate of calves with atresia coli maintained under Anatolian farming conditions. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by clinical findings, pain and contrast radiographic examination. In clinical and indirect radiographic examination, rectum and descending colon were seen as more constricted than usual. In surgery, the abdominal cavity was opened through a vertical incision from the right paralum bar fossa. The blind end of the ascending colon was fixed to the abdominal wall in order to create a stoma. The postoperative course of the calves was obtained from the owners of the calves during a period of four months. It was learned that only one calf survived and the others died because of diarrhea within the four month period. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that although right fossa paralumbar colostomy was successfully performed for type-II atresia coli, severe functional impairment and fluid imbalance due to the loss of an important fluid resorption resulted in the death of most calves that were kept under Anatolian farming conditions.