Linear Combination of Leukocyte Count and D-Dimer Levels in the Diagnosis of Patients with Non-traumatic Acute Abdomen

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Ertürk Zararsız G.

Medical records-international medical journal (Online), vol.5, no.1, pp.84-90, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Aim: Rapid intervention is required in patients with non-traumatic acute abdominal pain. It is very important to distinguish between surgical and non-surgical pathologies during this intervention. This study aimed to increase the diagnostic accuracy by combining the leukocyte count and D-dimer levels used in this evaluation with linear combination methods. Materials and Methods: Logistic regression, scoring, min-max, minimax, Su & Liu, Pepe & Thompson, Pepe, Cai & Langton, and Todor & Saplacan methods were used as linear combination methods. The data set was divided into 70% training set and 30% test set. Parameter optimization was performed on the training data by 5 fold cross-validation method using 10 repeats. The area under the ROC curve, sensitivity, selectivity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive value, and positive and negative likelihood ratio statistics were used in the performance evaluation.Results: The area under the ROC curve statistic for D-dimer level and log-transformed leukocyte count variable were obtained as 0.71 and 0.70, respectively. The accuracy rate was 0.69 for the D-dimer level and 0.73 for log-transformed leukocyte count. For the linear combination methods, the area under the ROC curve was between 0.77 and 0.81, and the accuracy statistics were between 0.72 and 0.79. The best performance was obtained with the min-max method.Conclusion: In patients with non-traumatic acute abdominal pain, leukocyte count and D-dimer levels can be evaluated together by using linear combination methods in differentiating surgical and non-surgical pathologies. The obtained results showed that the diagnostic performance of the combined results with the min-max procedure was higher than the leukocyte count and D-dimer levels.