Climate change and droughts

Karaman S., Gökalp Z.

50th Croation and 10th international symposium on agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia, 16 - 20 February 2015, pp.7

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Zagreb
  • Country: Croatia
  • Page Numbers: pp.7
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Global warming is the most significant problem threatening the agriculture of the world and it is experienced at different levels in different parts of the world. Climate change and resultant global warming ultimately result in significant droughts throughout the world. Global increases in temperatures and decreases in precipitations cause the water and drought problems. The precipitation levels below the normal averages have significant impacts over land and water resources and ultimately result in changes in hydrological balance. Droughts are natural phenomenon and have become highly complex issue with global warming and climate change. The present study summarizes the impacts of global warming on droughts and presents the possible measures to mitigate such impacts.