The effects of swimming execise at 35°C water and L-carnitine on blood cells of mice

Çoksevim B., Sarıtaş N., Pepe O., Akdoğan H., Büyükipekci S.

Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport / SCIENCE, MOVEMENT AND HEALTH, , vol.10, no.2, pp.154-157, 2010 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)



Objective: We aimed to research the effects of swiming exercise that’s water temparature35°C on blood cells of mice administred exhausted exercise. Methods and procedures: It was used 48 male mice of the type of balb/C in this research. Mice in research were divided into four groups consist of non-training (n:12), swiming training (n:12), practical (n:12), and unpracticle (n:12) L-carnitine. L-carnitine as phamalogical agent was used the dose 100mgr/kg (0.4ml) to experiment groups. It was given saline solution at the same volume of L-carnitine to control group. The mice were swum until exhaustion in the morris water tank at 35°C ambiant . Swimming exercise was applied during three weeks. Both control group and experiment group mice were measured blood parameters of their pre and post measurements. Blood samples (0.5ml) was taken twice from tail veins of the control and experiment mice during experiments.The blood cell parameter findings obtained by the blood cell counter device. All mice outenasied by eter inhalation long period after from experiment three weekly. All data for the exercise-trained groups were compared to the sedentary groups using ANOVA. The statistical significance among groups were excepted at p < 0.05. Results: The data that’s erythrocyte, hemoglobin, haematocrit and RDW, MPW, PDW were not founded significantly (p>0.05), when it was compared to the findings of control group with only swimming group. The values of leukocyte, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, RDW and trombocyte parameters were founded differences between two groups significantly (p<0.05) when it was compared to the findings of the control group with experiment group is swimming and taking l-carnitine. The values of MCV, PLT and PCT were found differences between two groups significantly (p<0.05) when the experiment group that’s both swimming exercise and taking l-carnitine compared to with only swimming group. Discussions and conclusions: The animals’ performance exhaustion swimming exercise at 35°C water temperature obtained very low effects than 20°C water temperature on hematologic parameters of mice.It was conclude that data were found because of these factors did the swimming training and the temperature of water near to body heat, no effects of cold stress and the other factors