Atopic dermatitis diagnosis and treatment consensus report

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Atakan N., Yalcin B., Ozkaya E., SU KÜÇÜK Ö., Ozturkcan S., SALMAN A., ...Daha Fazla

TURKDERM-TURKISH ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEROLOGY, cilt.56, ss.86-121, 2022 (ESCI) identifier identifier


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, itchy, and recurrent inflammatory skin disease. AD, which is known as a childhood disease because of its common occurrence, is also an important health problem in adults. With increasing prevalence rates throughout each year, particularly in developed countries, AD has a heterogeneous clinical presentation that varies with age and different degrees of severity. The treatment includes the use of topical or systemic agents after identifying the needs of the patients. Especially, the identification of molecules responsible for pathogenesis recently has allowed the development of tailored treatments. With a better understanding of both the disease and the economic burden of AD recently, studies have gained momentum on diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life. Guidelines and consensus reports addressing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches have been published in our country, too, in parallel to publications in various countries. In this age of rapid information sharing, all kinds of information need to be updated frequently and become further useful. For this purpose, it is planned to develop a current consensus guideline under the leadership of the Dermatoimmunology and Allergy Association, with the contributions of the Cosmetology and the Dermatology Academy Association, Kayseri Dermatology and the Venereal Diseases Association, and Manisa Dermatology and the Venereal Diseases Association, and through the participation of faculty members experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of AD. The topics and the authors were chosen in December 2020. All Medline data published in the years between 1980 and 2021, current AD diagnosis and treatment guidelines, meta-analytical studies, and expert opinions and experiences were reviewed, and section drafts were developed. Literature data and section drafts were assessed and discussed during a meeting held in March 2021 with the participation of all authors. Then, the sections were finalized via e-mail correspondences and submitted as a final consensus report.