JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, vol.76, no.7, 2011 (SCI-Expanded)
Clar y sage seeds (Salvia sc larea L.) were o btained fro m plants cultivated, and 2.5, 4.0, 5.5, and 7.0 kGy doses of γ -ir r adiation we re applied to the clar y sage seeds. They we re then analyzed for their protein, ash, o il and dr y matter contents, and f atty acid composition. Additionally, the total phenolic contents, antiradical, antioxidant activities, and volatile compounds o f the clar y sage seed extract were deter mined. There was no significant difference in protein
content. However, the moisture, oil, and ash contents of the samples were affected by irradiation. While the 7 kGy dose had a positive effect on the total phenolic content and antiradical activity o f the sage seed extract, all doses have negative effects o n the antioxidant activity o f the sage seed. The main f atty acid of the sage seed was remarkabl y found as α -linolenic acid. The four ir radiation l evels c aused significant differences i n f atty acid composition by affecting all f atty
acids except palmitic, palmitoleic, and eicosenoic acids. The dominant volatile compounds o f contro l sage seed were found as β -pinene (18.81%) and limonene (15.60%). Higher doses o f the ir radiation decre ased volatile components o f sage seed. Clar y sage seed including h igh omega-3 can be i r r adiated with l ow doses ( ≤2.5 kGy) of γ -ir r adiation.