Effect of gamma-Irradiation on Bioactivity, Fatty Acid Compositions and Volatile Compounds of Clary Sage Seed (Salvia sclarea L.)

YALÇIN H., Ozturk I., Tulukcu E., Sağdıç O.

JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, vol.76, no.7, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Clar y sage seeds (Salvia sc larea L.) were o btained fro m plants cultivated, and 2.5, 4.0, 5.5, and 7.0 kGy doses of γ -ir r adiation we re applied to the clar y sage seeds. They we re then analyzed for their protein, ash, o il and dr y matter contents, and f atty acid composition. Additionally, the total phenolic contents, antiradical, antioxidant activities, and volatile compounds o f the clar y sage seed extract were deter mined. There was no significant difference in protein
content. However, the moisture, oil, and ash contents of the samples were affected by irradiation. While the 7 kGy dose had a positive effect on the total phenolic content and antiradical activity o f the sage seed extract, all doses have negative effects o n the antioxidant activity o f the sage seed. The main f atty acid of the sage seed was remarkabl y found as α -linolenic acid. The four ir radiation l evels c aused significant differences i n f atty acid composition by affecting all f atty
acids except palmitic, palmitoleic, and eicosenoic acids. The dominant volatile compounds o f contro l sage seed were found as β -pinene (18.81%) and limonene (15.60%). Higher doses o f the ir radiation decre ased volatile components o f sage seed. Clar y sage seed including h igh omega-3 can be i r r adiated with l ow doses ( ≤2.5 kGy) of γ -ir r adiation.

Clary sage seeds (Salvia sclarea L.) were obtained from plants cultivated, and 2.5, 4.0, 5.5, and 7.0 kGy doses of gamma-irradiation were applied to the clary sage seeds. They were then analyzed for their protein, ash, oil and dry matter contents, and fatty acid composition. Additionally, the total phenolic contents, antiradical, antioxidant activities, and volatile compounds of the clary sage seed extract were determined. There was no significant difference in protein content. However, the moisture, oil, and ash contents of the samples were affected by irradiation. While the 7 kGy dose had a positive effect on the total phenolic content and antiradical activity of the sage seed extract, all doses have negative effects on the antioxidant activity of the sage seed. The main fatty acid of the sage seed was remarkably found as alpha-linolenic acid. The four irradiation levels caused significant differences in fatty acid composition by affecting all fatty acids except palmitic, palmitoleic, and eicosenoic acids. The dominant volatile compounds of control sage seed were found as beta-pinene (18.81%) and limonene (15.60%). Higher doses of the irradiation decreased volatile components of sage seed. Clary sage seed including high omega-3 can be irradiated with low doses (<= 2.5 kGy) of gamma-irradiation.