12th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress , Kayseri, Turkey, 13 - 15 December 2023, pp.61
In this study, it was aimed to isolate pepper bacterial spot disease agent/s caused by
Xanthomonas species and identify them using classical and molecular methods in Kayseri province of
Turkey. Bacterial leaf spot disease, caused by 4 different Xanthomonas species is the most common and
destructive disease for peppers worldwide induces chlorosis and necrosis on leaves and spots on fruits.
In the study, symptomatic plant samples were collected by visiting grenhouses, fields, nurseries and
pepper seedling providing companies in Kayseri during 2021-2022 growing season. Isolation onto yeast
dextrose calcium carbonate agar were yielded yellow and mucoid colonies and 33 putative bacterial
strains were purified. All the strains were gram negative, pathogenic on pepper plants, and hydrolysed
starch. Molecular identification was performed using BS-XeF/BS-XeR, HpaF-f/HpaF-r primers. As a
result, 30 out of 33 strains were amplified with Xanthomonas euvesicatoria and 3 strains were amplified
with X. perforans, respectively. It was determined that X. euvesicatoria was the most common pathogen
in peppers in Kayseri province. This study is a part of the Master's thesis and was supported by Erciyes
University BAP Unit (FYL-2023-12296).