Türkiye’deki fen öğretim programlarında bilimsel süreç becerilerinin yeri

Kul H. H., Kızılay E., Öner Armağan F.

uluslarası sosyal bilimler eğitimi dergisi, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.327-347, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)


This study, it is aimed to examine the scientific process skills in primary education science teaching programs from the Republic to the present. Within the scope of the research, primary and secondary school science teaching programs prepared since 1926 were examined and a compilation was made about how scientific process skills are included in the program. Under this context, the science teaching programs in Turkey; 1926 primary school programs, 1936 primary school program, 1948 primary school program, 1968 primary school program, 1974 and 1977 primary school science programs, 1992 primary education institutions science lesson curriculum, 2000 primary schools science lesson curriculum, 2005 science, and technology lesson curriculum, The 2013 science curriculum, and the 2018 science course curriculum were examined. When the programs were examined, it was determined that although the expressions about scientific process skills were indirectly included in the programs up to the 2005 curriculum, it was determined that the concept of scientific process skills did not pass. It was determined that in the 2005 curriculum, scientific process skills were included as a separate learning area and the acquisitions related to these skills were included. In the 2013 and 2018 science curricula, scientific process skills were also briefly mentioned.