Aim: Research shows that deficiency and insufficiency of vitamin D is high in the world. There are limited studies in Turkey but it has been shown that deficiency and insufficiency are high in Turkey. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency and related factors in an adult population. Material and Method: This study was conducted In urban area of Kayseri in Central Anatolian region of Turkey. in adults aged 18-65 years In the summer period The minimum sample size was calculated as 323 and the survey was completed with 381 people. A questionnaire about sociodemographic characteristics, and variables that may affect vitamin D level was administered. Blood samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Results: The mean age of the participants was 36.21 +/- 12.10. The mean serum vitamin D level was 15.11 +/- 9.07 ng/ml. Vitamin D deficiency (<20 ng/ml) was found in 72.2%, vitamin D insufficiency (20-30 ng/ml) was found in 20.5% and only 7.3% of participants had a sufficient vitamin D level (>30 ng/ml). Vitamin D deficiency was found in 68.8% of males and in 75.7% of females. People who have exposure to the sun for less than 1 hour in the summer have 1,7 fold higher vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency was 1.8 fold higher in those >35 years old, 1.8 times higher in the unmarried, 2.4 fold higher in those using sunscreen and 2.6 fold higher in those who did not have a good economic condition. Discussion: Kayseri has a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency. Factors that have the most effect on vitamin D levels were determined as gender, marital status, economic status, use of sun cream and exposure to sunlight in summer.