Resonant frequency calculation for circular microstrip antennas with a dielectric cover using adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system optimized by various algorithms

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Guney K., Sarikaya N.

PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER, vol.72, pp.279-306, 2007 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


inference system (ANFIS) to calculate the resonant frequency of a circular microstrip antenna (MSA) with a dielectric cover. The ANFIS is a class of adaptive networks which are functionally equivalent to fuzzy inference systems (FISs). Six optimization algorithms, hybrid learning, least-squares, nelder-mead, genetic, differential evolution and particle swarm, are used to determine optimally the design parameters of the ANFIS. The resonant frequency results predicted by ANFIS are in very good agreement with the results reported elsewhere. When the performances of ANFIS models are compared with each other, the best result is obtained from the ANFIS model optimized by the LSQ algorithm.