Investıgatıon Of Cytotoxıc Effects Of Pelargonıum Endlıcherıanum Extracts And Related Phenolıc Compounds: Esculetın And Scopoletın.


2nd Anticancer Agent Congress, Muğla, Turkey, 23 - 25 April 2014, pp.100

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Muğla
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.100
  • Erciyes University Affiliated: Yes


Investigation of cytotoxic effects of Pelargonium endlicherianum extracts and related phenolic compounds: Esculetin and Scopoletin.

Alim Hüseyin Dokumacı 1, Gökhan Ünal1, Gökçe Şeker Toprak2, Mükerrem Betül Yerer-Aycan1

1 Erciyes University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacology, 38100 Kayseri Türkiye(

2 Erciyes University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, 38100 Kayseri Türkiye

Background / Aim

Esculetin and scopoletin are phenolic compounds that are found in various natural plant products including  Pelargonium sp. and inhibit proliferation  in several types of human cancer cells. The aim of this study was to investigate cytotoxicity  of esculetin, scopoletin and several Pelargonium endlicherianum  extracts in  non-small human lung cancer cell line (A 549 cells)

Materials and Methods

Trading A 549 cells were purshased from ATCC. Approximately 25000 cells were dispensed to plates  in complete F12K  Kaighn medium supplemented with medium with fetal bovine serum (FBS) , 100 U/ml penisilin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin at 37 0C and % 5 CO2. The cells were grown to % 80 confluence and treated with the following substances and extracts for 24 hours: esculetin(84 mM, 168 mM ,336 mM); scopoletin (25 mM,50 mM,100 mM); Pelargonium endlicherianum %11  ethanol and % 70 methanol extracts and butanol, and ethyl acetate fractions (0,125, 0,25 , 0,5 mg/ml). Cell viability was assessed by MTT (3-4,5- dimethylthiazolyl -2-2,5-dipenthlytetrazolium bromide) method.


Esculetin and %11 Pelargonium endlicherianum ethanol extract decreased the cell viability around %20-25% whereas, scopoletin could only decrease the cell viability 12% at a dose of 50mM. 70% methanol extract could not decrease the cell viability but even increased the viability at a dose of 0.25mg/ml. Butanol and ethyl acetate fractions of 70% methanol extract decreased the cell viability but they were not as effective as esculetin and  %11 metanol extract.


We have demonsrated that esculetin and %11 Pelargonium endlicherianum ethanol extract decrease the viability of A549 cells. Therefore with regard to this preliminary results, it is thought that esculetin and Pelargonium endlicheriaunum might be beneficial in lung cancer theraphy.