Duzce Medical Journal, vol.17, no.1, pp.13-15, 2015 (Scopus)
© 2012 Düzce Medical Journal.Aim: To evaluate the effect of pterygium existence on central corneal thickness (CCT)Method: 25 patitens with unilateral pterygium were assessed as a part of the study. Sex, ageand ophthalmological examinations were recorded. CCT were measured with ultrasonicpachymeter from both eyes. Mean of 5 consecutive measurements were recorded. CCT’s werecompared in both eyes that with/without pterygium. Results were analyzed with T test.Results: Results of 41 cases consist of 21 females and 20 males were investigated. Mean ageof patients was 57,8±13,9 (31-85). Mean CCT’s were 532,5±33,6 μm and 533,1±33,9 μmrespectively in eyes with and without pterygium. Difference between two groups was notstatistically significant. (p=0,930) In female group mean CCT’s were 536,7±33,5 μm and532,9±28,8 μm respectively in eyes with and without pterygium. In male group mean CCT’swere 528,1±34,1 μm and 533,4±39,2 μm respectively in eyes with and without pterygium. Bothin female and male groups the existence of pterygium didn’t cause any statistically significantdifference on CCT. (p=0,698 and p=0,651 respectively)Conclusion: We observed that pterygium has no effect on central corneal thickness.