Reducing the high nitrogen (N) balance surpluses occurring in oilseed rape production through the cultivation of N-efficient cultivars is imperative for environmental reasons. In this study, seed yield and N efficiency parameters of oilseed rape cultivars grown under three N rates were investigated in field experiments performed during five years. Seed yields differed significantly among cultivars especially at limiting N supply, with significant shifts in cultivar ranking according to the N level. At high N supply,
cultivar differences relied more on year effects. The importance ofNefficiency parameters for yield varied owing to year and N rate effects. N uptake was an important parameter for yield at all N rates. While at low N, the duration of N uptake was most decisive, shoot N uptake capacity during vegetative growth was relatively more important under high N conditions. N utilization efficiency became more important with increasing N supply. At high N supply, cultivars with low seed N concentrations were superior in yield. Harvest index was also significantly correlated to yield across N rates; however, its importance
depended much on environmental conditions. In conclusion, the specification of plant traits that might contribute to enhanced N efficiency in oilseed rape will depend very much on the N supply of the target environment and the target yield level.
Reducing the high nitrogen (N) balance surpluses occurring in oilseed rape production through the cultivation of N-efficient cultivars is imperative for environmental reasons. In this study, seed yield and N efficiency parameters of oilseed rape cultivars grown under three N rates were investigated in field experiments performed during five years. Seed yields differed significantly among cultivars especially at limiting N supply, with significant shifts in cultivar ranking according to the N level. At high N supply, cultivar differences relied more on year effects. The importance of N efficiency parameters for yield varied owing to year and N rate effects. N uptake was an important parameter for yield at all N rates. While at low N, the duration of N uptake was most decisive, shoot N uptake capacity during vegetative growth was relatively more important under high N conditions. N utilization efficiency became more important with increasing N supply. At high N supply, cultivars with low seed N concentrations were superior in yield. Harvest index was also significantly correlated to yield across N rates: however, its importance depended much on environmental conditions. In conclusion, the specification of plant traits that might contribute to enhanced N efficiency in oilseed rape will depend very much on the N supply of the target environment and the target yield level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.