PHYSICAL REVIEW E, vol.55, no.5, pp.5343-5349, 1997 (SCI-Expanded)
A modified version of Glauber's one-dimensional spin relaxation model is applied to a spin-1 Ising chain in order to study the time dependence of the system in the weak-coupling limit. The individual spin-1 Ising particles are assumed to interact with the heat bath, which causes them to change their states randomly in time. Coupling between the particles is introduced through the assumption that the transition probabilities for any one spin-1 Ising particle depends on the state of the neighboring spin-1 Ising particles. A special assumption about the rate constants is chosen such that the average values of the dipole moment will return to the equilibrium value. We establish the system of rate equations for average values of the dipole and quadruple moments, as well as their coupling. The Ising interaction between the spin-1 particles is assumed to be weak compared to the coupling with the heat reservoir. In this way we can terminate the hierarchy and solve the problem of a linear chain with periodic boundary conditions, using the Fourier transformation. The resulting secular equation determines two sets of relaxation times and two sets of eigenvectors. From this equation both relaxation times are determined by a perturbation method.