2010 15th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting, BIYOMUT2010, Antalya, Türkiye, 21 - 24 Nisan 2010
There are three parts in MRI projections of which are grey matter formed basically by neurons, white matter formed by axon exremities with mylelins, and cerebrospinal fluid. Changes and damages in these regions can cause various diseases. Autism, Parkinsonism, dyslexia, mental disorders, visual and audial loss can be the examples of grey matter diseases. As for the white matter diseases, MS (multiple sclerosis) and demyelinated diseases, minor cardiovascular diseases, neurologic damages, and blindness can be listed. In this study, a method has been proposed for segmentation of gray matter and white matter regions in the sections of the brain. The proposed method was used to determine the areas and calculate gray, matter matter of two hemispheres in terms of proportions of each other also to all the brain. ©2010 IEEE.