Other, pp.1-22, 2016
The article is dedicated to
the history of one of the most popular with the young Circassian diaspora
dancing genres – the sheshen. The author of the article tries to research the
ways of correlation between the local exhibitions of the dancing genre and the
trivial terms, local folk tunes, social taboos and the precepts of a definite
diaspora society using the sheshen as an
example. The purpose of the study is the synchronous description of the genre
features of the endemically formed choreographic phenomenon called “adighe
sheshen” (the Circassian sheshen), tracking of the universal analogues (the
terminological, musical, choreographic ones), detection of its social and
semantic functions in the definite local culture.
The subject f the study is the
discursive practices about public merrymaking traditions, and also the context
relations between the archival explorative texts and the historical sources
which give the narrative description of the choreographic phenomena of the
“metropolis” – the Caucasus – analogous with the sheshen. The object of the
study is verbal (oral) and non-verbal texts (collected in the folklore field of
Turkey and in the Internet) which actualize the information about the dance
called sheshen. The field methods: the participant observation and informal
conversation, the method of memory boosting established by the author of the
article, the online poll. The methods of analytical processing of the
materials: structural/functional, pragmatic analyses, discourse analyses. The
sheshen acts as a cultural complex which equalizes people according to the
rules of a public merrymaking and maintains the civilizational identity of
Anatolia Circassians at the same time. The author of the article explains the
reasons of some inconsistency of the deliberations about the ‘little prestige”
of the sheshen and its popularity simultaneously. These conclusions would be
useful for theoretical researches of the history of folklore genres, the
culture of Circassian diaspora, and also for applied purposes: the
ethnographical information collected by the author of the article and the
complex theoretical observations data about the forms of the folk dances
included in the article are published for the first time and would be
interesting for specialists engaged in the searching of the traditional
ethno-choreographical styles and stage performances.
Keywords: ethno-choreography,
Circassians, Adyghes, diaspora, Uzun-Yayla, dance, sheshen, aristocracy,
В музыкально-хореографическом репертуаре современного черкесского игрища довольно рельефно выделяется танец, на всем Северном Кавказе и далеко за его пределами известный как «лезгинка». В среде черкесов (адыгов) диаспоры народно-жанровая терминология обозначает аналогичный жанр универсальным термином ‘шьэшьэн’ (мягкий Ш, в русской транслитерации – щещен, в специальной литературе есть также форма ‘щэщэн’ [Соколова А.Н., Чундышко Н.А.]).
Культура диаспоры, для которой характерна своеобразная ментальная установка на консервацию традиции, рельефно иллюстрирует причины изменений или сохранности явлений этнохореографии, обусловленные социальной историей и структурой конкретного сообщества, особенностями музыкального инструментария и др. факторами. Особенно хорошо это прослеживается на материале дискурсивных практик о танце щещен, избранных нами в качестве предмета исследования.