Pph Dehlı Indıa, New Dehlı, 2014
“Russian from ABC”. Your attention is invited to the elementary practical course of Russian language for beginners, designed to 320-360 teaching hours.
The aim of this course is on the basis of most frequent structures of the Russian language and basic household vocabulary to teach foreigner reading, speaking, listening, and writing in Russian; to prepare him to be ready to communicate with native speakers in real-life situations.
The course is based on the structural-functional-system principle, according to which learning the language proficiency on the basis of the most common functional structures of Russian grammar, with the support of the Russian grammar in general. All teaching material is divided into 21 lesson: I-IV lessons - introductory phonetic- grammatical course, 1-17 - the main lexical-grammar course.
In accordance with this principle, each lesson consists of the following sections.
PHONETICS: acquaintance with the Russian alphabet, exercises, training in writing of the Russian alphabet letters and pronunciation of sounds; rules of pronunciation of sounds in words and in the flow of speech.
LET's REPEAT: exercises which will not allowed to forget what was covered in the previous lesson.
A LITTLE bit of GRAMMAR: the main functional structure of the Russian language and their lexical filling; the comment (in the structure of the textbook is given in Russian, in the Annex – in English, Hindi, Turkish or Chinese languages; if necessary, can be translated into any other language).
LEARN to READ the TEXT: simple, original texts of such household and cultural topics as «Family», «Suite», «Working day», «The City and its attractions», «Restaurant», «Profession», «Journey», «Sport», «Problems of ecology», «Space research», «Education».
CHECK YOURSELF: the material in this section gives an opportunity for teachers as well as for the student to see, how well was learned material of the lesson and at the same time to get a new culture information.
LEARN TO SPEAK RUSSIAN: «How are you doing?», «What is your name?», «What time is it?», «What do you call... ?», «Where is... ?» and many other questions, which to be asked a foreigner and what you should answer to them. In this section the dialogues almost 100 % consist of the questions, answers and replicas, memorizing which will help students in communicating in Russian from the first days of his stay in the country.
SMILE! Nothing lifts the mood so as a good joke. And that can be more effective than teaching by joking! Short miniatures and mini-dialogues of this section will not only help to cheer up, to stir up the students during the lesson, but also to see how much they have passed learned material.
The WORDS for THE LESSON: here is a list of new words in order of their appearance in tutorial classes (except for the text). The meaning of any word, students can find in the Supplement Vocabulary.
Pictures and photos to exercises, texts, dialogues and jokes, recreating the situation for oral communication, to help in the effective mastering of educational material.
There are no universal and perfect textbooks to teach any language, because of the different learning goals, the contingent of students, the level of professional ability of the teacher... However, for more than fifty years of experience with foreigners allowed the author to make an attempt of the creation of a sort of complit basic course, which in turn could serve as a basis for further study of the Russian language.
The author considers as his duty to express his gratitude to everyone who have for many years provided support and assistance in bringing out of this Textbook, in preparation for this publication and especially in its publication.