Aim of study: Lichens are biological indicators of environmental pollution of both natural and artificial origin in terms of various elements. In 9 samples (Cladonia coniocraea, C. fimbriata, C. firma, C. foliacea, C. furcate, C. pocillum, C. pyxidata, C. rangiformis and C. subulata) belonging to the genus Cladonia collected from different regions of Turkey; Aluminum, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, Selenium, Strontium, Cadmium, Tin, Mercury and Lead element amounts were investigated.Area of study: Lichen samples belonging to the same genus were collected in field studies conducted in 7 different cities in Turkey. Material and methods: All samples were analyzed independently after solubilization in acid medium in microwave system and in triplicate. The accuracy of the results has been confirmed by analysis of 1547 Peach Leaf certified reference material.Main results: Sources of metals, metal accumulation mechanisms and how much they are absorbed by lichens were determined. The highest Al, Cr, Ni concentrations in Cladonia firma are 429.3, 3.04, 13.53 mu g/g, respectively. The highest Co, Sr, Cu, Se, Hg concentrations in Cladonia subulata are 0.81, 33.59, 13.16, 0.158, 0.060 mu g/g, respectively. The highest Pb, Cd, Sn concentrations in Cladonia pyxidata are 5.90, 0.30, 6.50 mu g/g, respectively. The highest Fe, Mn, Zn, As concentrations were 228.7, 17.8, 26.44 and 1.335 mu g/g, respect.Highlights: The results showed that metal accumulation in lichens was directly related to the environment in which lichens were collected.