TURKISH NEUROSURGERY, vol.19, no.1, pp.82-85, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
A rare case of a solitary schwannoma arising within parenchyma of the brain is reported. A 37-year old right-handed man presented with a 3-month history of progressive headaches, lethargy and vomiting. The initial diagnosis being considered was primary intracranial tumor, including high-grade astrocytoma, metastasis or lymphoma Histopathological examination revealed schwannoma. Cysts, calcification and mild to moderate peritumoral edema are common in intracerebral schwannomas. However, our case is atypical and has no cystic component, calcification or vascularization. The pathogenesis and neuroradiological findings of intraparenchymal schwannomas are discussed and we review the related literature.