ACTA ZOOLOGICA, vol.96, no.1, pp.60-66, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
The tongues of ten seagulls and six common buzzards were examined. In both species, papillae linguales caudales were shaped like a letter "V" between the corpus linguae and the radix linguae. From these papillae, the length of the laterally placed papillae was greater compared with others in both species. Two or three secondary papillae were detected on these papillae in the seagull. In scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations, in the seagull, the apex linguae was composed of multilayered desquamated cells, while in the buzzard, scalelike simple projections on the surface of desquamated cells were observed. In the buzzard, glandula (dB. linguales, and gll. mandibulares caudales were seen, while in the seagull, gll. cricoarytenoideae and gll. mandibulares caudales were present. In the seagull, apex linguae were bifurcated, and there were desquamating multi layered cells, particularly at the apex linguae. The number and location of salivary gland orifices are specific to this species. The common buzzard had similarities to many characteristics of the long-legged buzzard. An absence of long and curly threadlike projections at the two lateral sides of the corpus linguae and an excessive number of salivary gland orifices at the corpus linguae were the main differences from the long-legged buzzard,