Türk Üroloji Dergisi, cilt.33, sa.3, ss.317-323, 2007 (ESCI)
Introduction: In this retrospective study, the success and complication rates of percutaneous
nephrolithotomy (PCNL) operation in the treatment of staghorn stones were evaluated.
Materials and Methods: Between December 1997-September 2006, 199 patients (134 male and 65 female;
mean age: 45.4) with staghorn calculi treated by PCNL at our institution were included in the study. In order
to assess the influence of experience on success and morbidity, the patients were divided chronologically into
four groups (50 patients in each first 3 groups and 49 patients in the last group).
Results: The mean stone burden was 1869.2 mm2. When success was defined both as being stone-free or
with clinically insignificant residual fragments (CIRF), PNL of 165 patients achieved success (82.9%), 44 of
which (26.6%) had CIRF. Transfusion rates were significantly higher in the first 100 patients (Group 1 and 2)
than the other 99 patients (Group 2 and 4) (49% in the first 100 patients, 10% in the other 99 patients,
p=0.000) with an overall 59 transfusions in all patients. Lithotripter type, stone burden, operation time,
number and site of access and rate of transfusion did not correlate with the success rate.
Conclusion: As a consequence, PCNL is an effective treatment option of staghorn calculi with a slightly
increase of complications.