Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sa.28, ss.171-191, 2008 (Hakemli Dergi)
Bu çal mada 2003 y l ndan günümüze kadar uygulanmakta olan tezsiz yüksek lisans
programlar , programa devam eden ö retmen adaylar n n görü lerine göre de erlendirilmektedir.
Ayr ca bu ö retmenlerin problem çözme becerilerindeki alg lama düzeyleri
aras ndaki fark ve bu fark n düzeyi irdelenmektedir.
Tarama modeli esas al narak yap lan bu ara t rman n çal ma evrenini Selçuk Üniversitesi
ve Erciyes Üniversitesi nde 2008-2009 ö retim y l nda tezsiz yüksek lisans program
na devam eden ö renciler olu turmaktad r. Ara t rman n verileri anket yoluyla toplanm
t r ve veriler SPSS for Windows (12) paket program yard m yla ilgili testler yap larak
de erlendirilmi tir.
Ara t rma sonunda, her iki üniversitedeki ö renciler kat ld klar tezsiz yüksek lisans
program ndan orta düzeyde memnun olduklar n belirtmi lerdir. Erciyes Üniversitesi
ö rencilerinin yar ya yak n (% 45), Selçuk Üniversitesi ö rencilerinin de dörtte biri (% 26)
program n kendi meslek ya amlar için her zaman katk sa layaca n dü ünmektedirler.
Her iki üniversitenin Problem Çözme Yetene ine Güven konusundaki ortalamalar
kar la t r ld nda, Selçuk Üniversitesi kat l mc lar n n Erciyes Üniversitesi kat l mc lar
na göre kendilerine daha çok güvendikleri söylenebilir, ancak aralar nda istatistiksel olarak
anlaml bir fark bulunmamaktad r. Her iki üniversite aç s ndan bak ld nda, yar n n
ö retmenlerinin problem çözme yeteneklerine güvendikleri ve bu davran lar ö rencilerine
kazand rabilecek düzeyde olduklar söylenebilir.
In this study, the master s degree programs without thesis which have been administered
since 2003 are evaluated according to the views of the teacher candidates attending
these programs. In addition, the difference between these teachers levels of perception of problem solving skills and the level of this difference are investigated.
The students attending the master s degree program without thesis in the 2008-
2009 academic years at Selçuk University and Erciyes University were the participants of
this study. A questionnaire was used to collect data for the study and the data collected was
analyzed with the statistical program SPSS for Windows (12).
At the end of the study, the students at both universities stated that they were quite
pleased about the master s degree program without thesis which they attended. Nearly half
of the students at Erciyes Üniversity (% 45) and a quarter of the students at Selçuk University
(% 26) think that the program will always be of benefit to their lives.
When the averages of The Trust in Problem Solving Skills at both universities
are compared, it can be said that the participants at Selçuk University trust in themselves
more than the participants at Erciyes University. However, there is not a statistically significant
difference between them. We can conclude that teachers of the future trust in their
problem solving skills and they are able to teach these behaviors to their students.
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