CNTFET VDGA based ultra-low power low voltage high frequency filter applications CNTFET VDGA tabanlı ultra düşük güç düşük voltaj yüksek frekanslı filtre uygulamaları

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Ulusoy Ş. S., ALÇI M.

Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, vol.39, no.3, pp.1555-1565, 2024 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


With approaching the limit value, many problems have arisen in the scaling of MOSFET sizes. Alternative solutions have been investigated for many problems such as short channel effects and reduced gate control, which are caused by reducing the size of the MOSFET. Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) is considered as the most suitable alternative to replace MOSFET with its superior electrical and mechanical properties. In this study, simulation studies of Voltage Differencing Gain Amplifier structure were carried out using 32 nm CNTFET. In addition, a three-input single-output filter structure is presented with the CNTFET VDGA structure. The filter structure realized at ±0.3V low supply voltage and 1µA low bias current has a higher center frequency of 22.909 MHz compared to the filter structure realized with CMOS VDGA. In addition, the filter made with CNTFET VDGA structure has a low power consumption of 8.3412 µW.