Cerebral cavernous hemangioma presented with West syndrome

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CANPOLAT M., Kaya Ozcora G. D., Kacar Bayram A., Koc G., KUMANDAŞ S., KURTSOY A., ...More

IZMIR DR BEHCET UZ COCUK HASTANESI DERGISI, vol.5, no.2, pp.137-140, 2015 (ESCI) identifier


Cerebral cavernous hemangiomas are rarely seen hamartomas of the vascular structure. They are not true neoplasms, but mimic neoplasms clinically and radiologically. Cavernous hemangiomas are vascular malformations that can occur in all parts of the central nervous system being most frequently in the cerebral hemispheres. Focal neurological deficits and symptoms of intracranial hypertension are the most frequent clinical manifestations in children with large (>3 cm) cerebral cavernomas ( 1). Rarely, patients apply with epileptic seizures. In this study, a 7 - month-old girl who was referred with epileptic spasms, hypsarrhythmic patterns on EEG, normal metabolic test parametres, antiepileptic treatment-resistant seizures and cavernous hemangioma detected in cranial imaging whose hypsarrhythmic pattern on detected on previous electroencephalograms disappeared, and frequency of seizures decreased after surgery is presented to emphasize that the etiological factors are the most important determinants in the prognosis of epilepsy.