JOURNAL OF NATURAL FIBERS, vol.19, no.14, pp.7339-7347, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
Today, the importance of health is kept on top of many things. Because people understood that neither the money they earn nor the life they live without their health is of any importance. Textile materials are together in every field during the day with us and they can be exposed to the attacks of microorganisms quite easily. Hence, ways of getting rid of these attacks in easy and environmental approaches should be considered in most cases. In this context, disinfection processes of textile products were investigated in this study. For this aim cotton fabrics were contaminated separately with two different types of bacteria. These bacterial species are Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29,213) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 25,922). Then bacterial contaminated fabric samples were treated with ozone and UV-C for different periods of time by a set of ozone and UV-C application system. Additionally hydrogen peroxide based disinfection has been tested as well. After these processes, bacterial reduction tests were carried out. In addition, SEM images of some fabric samples were taken to observe the surface modification. As a result, it was found that necessary and sufficient disinfection effect was obtained on cotton fabric in very short application time by using especially ozone gas.