Turkish Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol.3, no.1, pp.8-16, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
We report the discovery of a new short period pulsating variable in the field of exoplanet host star XO-2. Variable has been identified while it was being used as a comparison. In order to verify the variability of the candidate, a comprehensive follow-up was carried out. Period analysis of multi-band light curves revealed a very prominent and consistent pulsation periodicity of P∼0.95 hours. Given the variability period, amplitude and the color index, the object is most likely a delta Scuti type variable. Absolute magnitude (Mv) and the color index (B−V)0 of the star determined as 2.76 and 0.22, respectively. This (B−V)0 of the star corresponds to A7 spectral type with an approximate effective temperature of 7725 K. Machine-learning analysis of the time-series data also revealed that the object is of variable type DSCT with a probability of 78%.
Ötegezegen barındıran XO-2 yıldızının alanında yeni bir kısa dönemli zonklayan değişenin keşfini bildiriyoruz. Değişen yıldız, mukayese olarak kullanılırken farkedildi. Kaynağın değişkenliğinin belirlenmesi için kapsamlı bir takip programı izlendi. Çoklu dalgaboyunda elde edilen ışık eğrilerinin analizinden periyodunun yaklaşık