PHYSICAL REVIEW C, vol.85, no.4, 2012 (SCI-Expanded)
In this paper, we study the connection between the interaction and the low energy observables, in particular the cross section for He and HeX, the helium nucleus with a heavier particle attached, to explain problems with the observed lithium abundance in the big-bang nucleosynthesis. We treat the processes He-4 + H-2 -> Li-6 + gamma and (HeX-)-He-4 + H-2 -> Li-6 + X- and primarily focus on the effects of the long-range part of the total potential on the cross section. Our results indicate that relatively small changes in the long-range part of the potential can have a profound affect. Additionally, we compare the relative impacts on the low energy cross section of the Coulomb barrier peak and the long-range part of the interaction. Our results confirm that the long-range potential dominantly influences the low energy observables.